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Showing 1 - 10 of 104 products.

Art of Water Wells, The

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Retail Price:$75.00

Member Price:$65.00

  • This NGWA Press title is a comprehensive overview of well systems that is ideal for everyone working in the groundwater field.
Awesome Aquifer Kit

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Retail Price:$50.00

  • The Awesome Aquifer Kit is a fun and educational groundwater kit with everything you need to build an aquifer model. Instructions and activity supplies are included to walk you through learning all about groundwater
Awesome Aquifer Kit - Consumables Replacement Package

Retail Price:$25.00

  • This kit provides replacement items for the consumables used in the Awesome Aquifer Kit.
Basic Water Systems: A Pump and Hydraulic Training Manual

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Retail Price:$25.00

Member Price:$20.00

  • What really happens when you turn on a pump? Why do pipe sizes affect pump performance? This training manual takes on the complex world of water systems and presents the basics in a straightforward style.
Best Suggested Practices for Aquifer Storage and Recovery

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Retail Price:$150.00

Member Price:$0.00

  • NGWA best suggested practices are designed to aid groundwater professionals at industry job sites. They are not standards, but practices that have been demonstrated to show superior results.
Buyer Be Aware: The Fundamentals of Environmental Property Assessments

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Retail Price:$0.99

  • This book examines the key topics involved in environmental property assessments. It explores topics such as what an assessment is, why assessments are conducted, and how standards are developed.
Circles of Fun

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Retail Price:$19.95

  • Downloadable PDF teaches audiences of all ages to appreciate water use and food production with the fun hands-on activities.
Cost Comparisons of Local Groundwater Sources to Regional Waterlines

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Retail Price:$150.00

Member Price:$0.00

  • This white paper discusses how water wells, even with additional household treatment, are more cost-efficient in delivering drinking water to rural and suburban residences than long regional pipelines.
Dripial Pursuit

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Retail Price:$7.95

  • Discover fascinating water facts while playing this water trivia game.
Employee Safety Manual, second edition

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Retail Price:$15.00

Member Price:$10.00

  • Text provides important details on a variety of safety topics related to the groundwater industry.
Page 1 of 11.